

對於插大轉學考試,由於考生屬於小眾群體,加上歷年來考題與制度多變,致使考生在準備上有許多疑問,遂整理 批踢踢實業坊 | 轉學板 中由歷屆備考生所留下之資訊與答疑,旨在提供應考生對於轉學考試的認識。文中多數內容取自 板友 Dionisio 之文章《轉學 Q&A ── 身為轉學生不得不看》 ,在此特別感謝之。


Life can seem cruel, no doubt about it. Sometimes the bad breaks pile up and you just can’t see a way out. You may not like the sound of that, but maybe you still aren’t convinced that it can happen for you right now.

The fact is that as mere mortals, you and I have limited vision. We can’t possibly see what lies ahead. That’s both the bad news and the good news. My encouragement to you is that what lies ahead may be far better than anything you ever thought possible. But it’s up to you to get over it, get up, and show up!

Whether your life is good and you want to make it better, or whether it’s so bad you just want to stay in bed, the fact is that what happens from this very moment is up to you and your Maker. True, you can’t control everything. Too often bad stuff happens to people no matter how good they are. It may not be fair that you weren’t born into a life of ease, but if that is your reality, you have to work with it.

── Nick Vujicic, “Life Without Limit”

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